Welcome to the Norwegian pre-course at Rønningen Folkehøgskole 16-22. august 2025.
The pre-course is compulsory for all international students and will take place both in daytime and in afternoon/evening just like teaching during the ordinary folk high school year.
Students are warmly welcomed to arrive at the school Friday 15 August 18:00-20:00. Light supper will be served at 20:00. The course starts Saturday 16 August 10:00 sharp.
Many of you will probably have administrative issues to settle during your first weeks in Norway. For appointments with the police (Politiets utlendingsenhet), we understand that you have to accept the scheduled time set by the police and that these are hard to reschedule. For all other appointments such as setting up a Norwegian bank account, meeting relatives, buying equipment you will need for your new life in Norway etc, we kindly ask everyone to schedule this for Monday 18 August or Friday 22 August.
Should you have any very important appointments on any other day that cannot be rescheduled, such as meetings with the police, please send an e-mail to kristin@ronningen.fhs.no with the time and type of appointment.
Plan for the Pre-Course will be available soon.
if you have any questions, contact kristin@ronningen.fhs.no