NORWEGIAN: Language and Culture


Study Norwegian language and culture in a genuine environment. Combined with immersion into your field of interest or combined with additional Norwegian classes.


Learn about Norwegian language, culture and way of life through classes and interaction with Norwegian peers. Develop your personal skills by attending one of the school's other subjects or by diving deeper into Norwegian language.


Educational trip

All international students at Rønningen must choose between two options

Option 1: 
Norwegian Language and Culture is your main course during the whole schoolyear. 
We strive to give every student challenges on their level, based on their background and goals. A variety of teaching methods are used, and the teacher encourages you to build awareness on what are your best ways to learn and develop. We visit cultural sites, museums, organizations etc. to gain a wider insight into Norway’s history and current society and way of life.

Option 2:
Your main course is based on your field of interest (music, art, sports, creative subjects). In this course you will study together with Norwegian peers – in Norwegian. As a complimentary subject you choose Norwegian language classes.     
This combination is the best way to get you from a beginners level to a conversational level fast as spending time on an activity you love and doing so among native speakers makes learning the language fun and easy.

You are warm welcome to send us an application! 
We would love to get to know you, so please describe as much as possible about yourself and your motivation for attending Rønningen Folk high school. 

Our school trips

The whole school will go explore three exciting places together. In the beginning of the year, we will sleep outside in wonderful Nordmarka, we will go skiing in Hallingdal and at the end of the school year, we will stay at Strandheim campsite by the Oslofjord.

You will get the opportunity to sign up for a study trip abroad together with your linje. The study trip is not included in the school fee. This will make an extra cost. We will give you more information regarding signing up and paying for the study trip soon.

Rønningen has a nice alternative for those students who cannot or do not want to attend the study trip with their linje. It is possible to choose to have a study trip in Oslo. You will stay at home in Rønningen and explore Oslo city in different ways from day to day. 

Kristin Riiser Dankel
Lærer Norsk språk og kultur
Kristin Riiser Dankel