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Applying for Rønningen

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Do you want to live in Norway for one year?
Study Norwegian Language and Culture in a genuine environment, 
and make friends from all over the world?

We would love to get to know you,
so please describe as much as possible about yourself
and your motivation for attending Rønningen Folk high school. 

We will ask you to choose between two options:


Norwegian Language and Culture is your main course during the whole schoolyear. 
We strive to give every student challenges on their level, based on their background and goals. A variety of teaching methods are used, and the teacher encourages you to build awareness on what are your best ways to learn and develop. 


Your main course is based on your field of interest (music, art, sports, creative subjects) and you will be together with Norwegian students, and learning Norwegian will be an additional subject.
This option is the ultimate combination to get you from a beginners level to a conversational level much faster, because you spend time on a activity that you love, together with other norwegian speaking students. 

If you choose option 2 (your main course is your hobby/interest) you can choose between the courses below. Please note that some of the courses do have requirements such as demo/mp3-file, norwegian language or requires that you can hold a certain sports level. 

What is YOUR passion?

Sports and Ballgames 
Football *Requires that you have a certain level
Streetdance / Contemporary dance
Top Athletes *Requires that you have a certain level

Art and architecture

Singer/Songwriter and Music production
 *Requires a mp3 audio file from you
Performing music: Vocals
*Requires a mp3 audio file from you
Performing music: Band 
*Requires a mp3 audio file from you

Empower - training, psychology and volunteering *Requires that you understand and speak norwegian language
Green Living and creative solutions
Journeys for Justice 
*Requires that you understand and speak norwegian language

In addition to this, you can attend Norwegian course for foreigners.


  • The next schoolyear is from 23. August 2025 -14 May 2025.

  • One year at Rønningen will cost NOK 133 800 and this includes boarding and lodging.
    Please note that Study trips incur additional cost.

  • If you come from a country outside EU/EEA, you are required to pay the whole school fee in advance. You must also apply for a study permit application and get it approved before arriving the school. 

  • You must name a contact person that can host you during the holidays, and help you with administrative things. Unfortunately, the school can not be involved in processes such as getting bank account, mobile phone, visa/study permit application, applying for Lånekassen if you have norwegian passport ++

  • It is not a problem if you do not know a word norwegian before you come here, but students are required to have excellent communication skills in English. 

  • If you are not a Norwegian citizen, you must have a valid health, accident and travel insurance that will cover your stay in Norway, but also if you want to attend a studytrip in any other country. 
  • All students at Rønnigen will share a doubleroom (or tripleroom). We have a limited number of singlerooms and these are resereved for those with medical or other documented reasons. So if you are interested in a single room, please provide a doctors letter. 

  • Nearly all students at Rønningen is 18-19 years old. Rønningen primarlily accepts students that is between 18-22 years old. This is related to how we organize the teaching and the program at the school. But we can concider students that is 16-26 years in some cases. 

  • If you have dual citizenship (with a norwegian passport) you must check if you are a member of Folketrygden in Norway. 
    Because if your are, the school insurance will cover you. If not, you will need to apply for a membership (process can take up to 6 months), or you can have your own insurance from the beginning. Insurance is your responsibility completely. 

  • Be aware that attending Rønningen is not only a place for learning norwegian language. As a student at Rønningen, you should be interested in participating the general program at the school. Subjects, activities and social happenings is a big and important part of this year!

  • Because this is not a regulary Norwegian course, you can not assume to pass the Bergenstest after one year in Rønningen. The level of proficiency will depend on your own efforts. 

A Folk High School is different from other kinds of schools.
It is a meeting place for young people, where personal growth and responsibility is an important part.
We believe that living together with fellow students at Rønningen, creates an outstanding learning environment.
And the social life at school will be a very important part!

1. Payment details

The school fee for 2024-25 was NOK 133 800 and it breaks down into the following:

  • NOK 2800: Registration fee*
  • NOK 128 000: Boarding and lodging
    This guarantees for accommondation in a double/tripple room, 3-4 meals a day, excursions and school trips, travel card for public transport in Oslo, social and cultural activities, Rønningen-hoodie, lunch box, WIFI, washing machine etc.
  • NOK 1500: Pre-course international students
  • NOK 1500: Books and teaching international students

Payment details
(paying from a bank abroad)

The bank`s address:
Sparebanken Sør
Box 200
N-4662 Kristiansand
Swift code: SPSONO22XXX
IBAN: NO8530001531545

The school`s address:
Rønningen Folkehøgskole 
Myrerskogveien 54 
N-0495 OSLO 

2. Insurance

Rønningen have a travel- and accident insurance which covers Norwegian citizens who are members of The National Insurance Sheme (Folketrygden)If you have a norwegian passport, but have never lived in Norway before, you must check if you are a member of Folketrygden. 

If you are not a member, you are not covered by the school insurance. Then you must provide a valid travel- , accident- and healthinsurance from your own country. This insurance must cover you during your entire stay in Norway, as well as during study trips to other contries. 

Please remember to send a copy of your insurance to post@ronningen.fhs.no before arriving Rønningen in August 2025.

3. Contact person in Norway: 

  • All international students are required to have a contact person with an address in Norway. 
  • This person will be like your next of kin/ familymember if needed. 
  • This person will during the year receive e-mails from the school, with information written in Norwegian.
  • This person will be able to host you during the school holidays (autumn, christmas, winter, easter) when the school is closed. Unless you wish to stay elsewhere.
  • This person should be able to assist you in required processes such as registering with the police upon arrival, getting a bank account if necessar, norwegian mobile (optional), or other administrative things.
  • This person will be able to host you in the case of expulsion or any other reason that means you cannot live in the school's dormitories.

    If you don`t have a contact person in norway, you must contact the school directly. 
    It is important to know that the school will be closed during holidays. 

4. School trips

  • Included:
    The whole school will go explore three exciting places together. In the beginning of the year, we will sleep outside in wonderful Nordmarka, we will go skiing in Hallingdal and at the end of the school year, we will stay at Strandheim campsite by the Oslofjord.

  • Optional:
    You will get the opportunity to sign up for a study trip abroad together with your linje. Destinations and prices are being claryfied at the moment, but we will inform you when the information is ready. 
    The study trip is not included in the school fee. This will make an extra cost. We will give you more information regarding signing up and paying for the study trip. Information will be updated here. 

  • OSLOVE: 
    Rønningen has a nice alternative for those students who cannot or do not want to attend the study trip with their linje. It is possible to choose to have a study trip in Oslo. You will stay at home at Rønningen, but explore Oslo city in different ways from day to day. 

Skarslia - Hallingdal

Nordmarka in Oslo

Strandheim campsite

A typical day at Rønningen

Rønningen is a place without grades and exams, where you can focus on learning because it is in your interest, not for the teacher to grade you. In Rønningen you will get many opportunities to experience the absolute best Oslo has to offer in terms of culture, nature and urban city life. We also have a lot of activities at school.

Every morning starts with breakfast, followed by a morning assembly. At the morning assembly you receive important information about the week and one of the teachers or school’s staff shares something from their life or talks about events, incidents, stories or topics that the school is interested in.

Afterwards, it is usually linje where we immerse ourselves into the topics that have a focus in our class.

After lunch we continue with linje teaching, common school subjects or electives.

Common school subjects (fellesfag) can for example be that we receive visits from external guests who come to talk about something they are passionate about.

We also have gatherings for those of you who lives together on the same floor – at Rønningen we call it bydelsmøte”. 

In addition, you can choose between different electives; some of them are led by teachers and some are led by students. Maybe you are good at something and want to lead your own elective subject? In other words: the days and weeks are varied and you have several opportunities to develop and immerse yourself in what you are interested in. 

The school area and our lovely view

The school can accommodate up to 190 students in the boarding houses. Students come from all over Norway and many other parts of the world, creating a unique multi-cultural environment. The school year is 33 weeks and runs from August to May.


This is Rønningen

Rønningen folkehøgskole was founded in 1969, and is owned and run by the Norwegian YWCA/YMCA. Located on a hillside, the school has a fine view of Oslo and the Oslo fjord. Although Rønningen is only a 25 minute journey from the city centre, it is surrounded by beautiful nature. Every August, the school welcomes 190 students from all over Norway and all over the world. The students leave having gained new skills and insight, and not to mention, friends for life. Rønningen is a Christian school. We welcome students, irrespective of ideology or faith, but all must be willing to participate in the social life of the school.

A folk high school is a meeting place for young people, where personal growth and responsibility is an important part of the curriculum. At a folk high school, both theoretical and practical knowledge is gained through a variety of teaching methods. Living and working close together creates a strong social environment amongst the students. Learning to overcome such difficulties is seen as an important part of the folk high school education. A folk high school provides not only academic training, but also develops social skills preparing students for the challenges that lie ahead.

The folk high schools do not grant degrees or conduct exams. By law, folk high schools will not conduct any formal examinations and do not issue degrees. After finishing your school year, you will receive a diploma detailing what you have participated in. Although receiving financial support from the state, the folk high schools are independent from the regular educational system in Norway.

International students who wish to continue to study in Norway will not qualify for enrollment as students in a Norwegian college or university. They must meet the same entry requirements as other international students.


All students stay in the boarding houses around the campus in single, double or triple rooms. The single rooms are reserved for those with documented special needs and costs an additional NOK 7 000 - 12 000. Most have on suite bathrooms, but a few students will share facilities with others living in the same corridor. 

Please contact us for further information at post@ronningen.fhs.no

Rules and regulations

  1. A basic value and aim for Rønningen Folkehøgskole is that students and staff shall cooperate in creating and maintaining a safe and caring school-environment including the students health, safety and welfare. The whole school is the students’ home for a year and residential-living is a vital part of the Folkehøgskole-curriculum. Students who fail to act in accordance with these values and aims  requires an appearance before the Disciplinary council, and risks temporary exclusion from the school, as well as loss of the right to attendance.

  2. All lessons, morning assemblies, organized social activities, Saturday seminars, student’s evenings (Friday/Saturday) etc. are compulsory. Students are responsible for cleaning and hygiene at the residential buildings, as well as kitchen and cleaning duty in the common areas. Extensive absence without valid reason is cause for a meeting in the Disciplinary council and may lead to loss of the right to attendance.  

  3. The school-tuition covers lodging, shared costs, study-programme costs, and other expenses and is invoiced in accordance with announced pay-plan. For holders of a Norwegian passport, total expenses are distributed throughout the year, in accordance with the payment plan of Lånekassen. For international students without a Norwegian passport, school fees are due before the start of the school year.  Invoices are to be paid by their due time. Unpaid dues are cause for a meeting in the Disciplinary council and may lead to loss of the right to attendance.

  4. The school has access to the students` rooms at the boarding schools for maintenance, necessary cleaning and during social and pedagogical tuition and learning. (cf. 1) 

  5. The residential areas and campus shall be quiet between 23:00 and 07:15 (24:00-08:00 on Saturdays). Guests must leave the campus and all loudspeakers shall be turned off during these hours. Males and females/couples are allotted separate rooms, and all students are to spend the night in their own rooms. 

  6. Pets are not permitted in the school’s residential area for the sake of hygiene and allergies. Smoking is only permitted at assigned places. Residential area and campus are smoke-free.

  7. The school has wi-fi for students’ use. The access is not to be used for surfing that obviously is a violation of Norwegian law or the school’s values. Abuse may lead to limitation or loss of access. 

  8. Rønningen is a drug-free and alcohol-free school. Consumption of alcohol or visibly intoxicated appearance is not permitted on the schools campus. Violation requires an appearance before the Disciplinary council, and risks temporary exclusion from the school, as well as loss of the right to attendance. 

  9. According to Norwegian law use, distribution and possession of any narcotics, including marijuana, is illegal by law. At Rønningen the prohibition against consumption, possession and distribution applies from first to last day of school, including vacations and weekends. Violation requires an appearance before the Disciplinary council, and risks temporary exclusion from the school, as well as loss of the right to attendance.

  10. Students are liable for any damage of school property or negligent activation of the fire alarm.