Rønningen arranges study trips both in the autumn 2024 and spring 2025, 

and it is up to you, which one you would like to attend! 

Please read more below


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(Week 44-45)

  • ADDIS ABABA, ETIOPIA- Music, Dance, African culture and fair distribution - NOK 17 000

  • PALESTINA og ISRAEL- Peace/Conflict, Middle Eastern history and culture - NOK 18 000

  • BRASIL - Sport, Nature, culture and fair distribution - NOK 22 000
Buenos Aires La Boca Caminito 200807J


(Week 12-13)

  • DESTINATION EUROPA – Empower class is creating their own trip to Europe - NOK 5 000 - 15 000 (depending on destination)

  • BERLIN - Art, Culture, City life and European history- NOK 15 500

  • SØR-AFRIKA - Fair distribution, African culture, nature and courage - NOK 20 000
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- Studytrip in Oslo Town

Maybe you are not interested in attending study trips abroad; 

Then we have a free option that runs both autumn and spring:

 OSLOVE -  Studytrip in Oslo!  


  • Fill out this Questback to register your study trip for both autumn 2024 and spring 2025.

  • Please pay the study trip by the deadline. The payment is considered final registration.

  • Study trip for autumn must be paid by 01. august 2024

  • Study trip for spring must be paid by 01. november 2024.

The payments are transferred to the school's account / From Norwegian account, please use: 3000.15.31545 and mark with your name and class.

Paying from abroad using these details: 

The bank`s address:
Sparebanken Sør
Box 200
N-4662 Kristiansand
Swift code: SPSONO22XXX
IBAN: NO8530001531545

The school`s address:
Rønningen Folkehøgskole
Myrerskogveien 54
N-0495 OSLO

Contact mette@ronningen.fhs.no if you have any questions regarding payments. 


Please check that your passport is valid for the whole year you are here.

Visas, vaccinations and any other documentation are not included in the study tour price.

We reserve the right to make changes to study tours, destinations and prices in accordance with security around war situations in Europe and the Middle East, possible pandemic outbreaks, national and international restrictions, public / local travel advice, as well as the airlines' offers.

The class Journeys for Justice have 2 trips:
PALESTINE/ISRAEL + SOUTH AFRICA, NOK 37,500 (Both trips are mandatory on this line)
Please contact Kristin, the teacher, if you have questions regaring this trip: glad@ronningen.fhs.no